Quality Tuesday
In this series, we will teach you 5 things about the stock market in less than 5 minutes.
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1️⃣ The power of compounding
If you would double a paper 40 times, the height of this paper would be as long as the distance between the moon and the earth
If you put 1 grain on the first square of a chessboard, and double it on each square until the 64th one, you would have 1.4 trillion metric tons of rice. This is more than 2000x the annual production of wheat.
Never underestimate the power of compounding.
2️⃣ The secret to become rich
The secret to become rich is consistency.
Learn from the best investors in the world and get rich slow.
3️⃣ One simple investment quote
Quality investors only want to own the best companies in the world.
More people should have the attitude of a museum director:
“Our core holdings are the same as last year. We own shares of the best businesses in the world. Our attitude is that of a museum director: we only want to own masterpieces.” - François Rochon
4️⃣ The best Youtube videos
Youtube is a free university.
In this Twitter thread you can find 7 great investment videos:
5️⃣ Example of a Quality Company
A list full of quality:
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About the author
Compounding Quality is a professional investor which manages a worldwide equity fund with more than $150 million in Assets Under Management. We have read over 500 investment books and spend more than 50 hours per week researching stocks.
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Lovely - any chance of an equivalent for non-US stocks , say, in UK/Europe? That would be fabulous.