Today, the Compounding Quality Portfolio will launch.
This means we’ll buy our first stock.
Let’s walk this beautiful investment journey together and build a great portfolio.
Portfolio Rules
Good agreements make good friends.
As we are Partners in this, I will treat you just the way I would like to be treated myself.
“We have an attitude of partnership. Charlie Munger and I think of our shareholders as owner-operators.” – Warren Buffett
Here are the Portfolio Rules:
You can follow the Portfolio 24/7 with 100% transparency
The portfolio will consist of a fictional amount of $1 million
For every company and transaction, you’ll know what percentage will get invested.
This allows you to know the conviction Compounding Quality has in every company and transaction
No front-running
Compounding Quality will never buy a stock before you have to chance to do so (after doing your own homework - read the disclaimer)
Every Sunday, we’ll communicate about new transactions and these transactions will be executed the day after (on Monday)
First Stock
The first stock we’ll buy is a Quality Cannibal Stock:
The company has one of the best-in-class loyalty programs in the United States
Capital light business model with attractive margins
Revenue has grown at a CAGR of 17.6% over the past 15 years
The company trades at the cheapest valuation level it has traded at over the past decade
They should be able to buy back 50% (!) of outstanding shares over the next decade
The stock compounded at 25.5% per year since its IPO 15 years ago
Let’s dive into the 33-page Investment Case and prepare our transaction for tomorrow.