In this series, we will teach you 5 things about the stock market in less than 5 minutes.
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1️⃣ Warren Buffett’s portfolio
Great overview made by Genuine Impact.
2️⃣ Two mistakes investors often make
Panic selling in a bear market
Panic buying in a bull market
Do exactly the opposite.
3️⃣ One simple investment quote
Be patient and let the magic of compounding work for you.
"The big money is not in buying or selling, but in the waiting." -Charlie Munger
4️⃣ Today is a great day to buy stocks
After stocks drop more than 20%, they compound on average with 11.3% per year over the next 5 years. Stay disciplined.
Today is a great day to buy stocks.
5️⃣ Example of a Quality Company
Some undervalued large-cap stocks with wide economic moats:
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About the author
Compounding Quality is a professional investor which manages a worldwide equity fund with more than $150 million in Assets Under Management. We have read over 500 investment books and spend more than 50 hours per week researching stocks.
I don´t really understand why the 3 to 5 year cumulative return after a market decline of 30% is lower that after a decline of 10% or 20%. Can you provide a link to the paper written by FAMA/French?