Terry Smith is one of the greatest Quality Investors in the world. In this article you will find 10 great investment tips from the Quality Maestro himself.
The longer the track record, the better obviously. When an investor outperforms the market over a 5-year time period, that's a great sign. When he can do it over a 10-year period, that's even better.
The biggest risks for quality investors are disruption and the valuation.
Do you think you could update this to 2022? As this goes to march 2020 and stops?
Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqb4aY8XnEsSZ3gJZR2YaN_4pwkuehol/view?usp=sharing
Appreciate it! I ended up having time to update it myself this morning :)
What different between roic and roe? Thanks
This sums it up quite well: https://breakingintowallstreet.com/kb/financial-statement-analysis/roic-vs-roe-and-roe-vs-roa/
usually the bridge is long-term debt
What do you think is the downside of Terry's approach to investing? How long do you think you need to see before you can judge if he is top investor?
The longer the track record, the better obviously. When an investor outperforms the market over a 5-year time period, that's a great sign. When he can do it over a 10-year period, that's even better.
The biggest risks for quality investors are disruption and the valuation.