Stop buying things you don’t need with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t like.Take a moment to focus on what you already have. You are richer than you think.
I've never looked into Merck. What I specifically like about Regeneron is that Leonard Schleifer has been running the company since 1988 (skin in the game).
There is no nobler act of giving than the sharing of one's knowledge!
Twice a week, like clockwork, CQ offers the gift of knowledge and inspiration!
Thank you, CQ!
Thank YOU, Pavel!
Tomorrow an article about Mark Leonard (Constellation Software) will be published. This weekend I'll write one about reverse DCFs.
I look forward to reading and enjoying them.🙏
#1 and #2 are gold.
What's your favorite all-time investment quote?
Regeneron est. EPS growth is not so compelling. Check MERCK metrics, more interesting, thanks
I've never looked into Merck. What I specifically like about Regeneron is that Leonard Schleifer has been running the company since 1988 (skin in the game).
Yes it’s a good point