Good article. Amazing that you grew a twitter account from 0 to 10k in a month. Respect. You ever want to give up fund management, you can train people in social media. I will be your first pupil. Well done and good luck with the substack

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

So much wisdom ... As Ken Honda says ... teach everyone the art of giving and the one who gives keeps on receiving.. Thank you !!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

And an addictive service with constant repeat business without a corresponding increase in COGS.

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What’s the secret to Twitter growth? Tech us that :-) all the best and great service

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1. Provide value

2. Provide value

3. Provide value


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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

This is: appliled wisdom.

It is really spectacular. It inspires emulation.

Thank you

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

Good article. Looking forward to reading your future post. Thank you!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

Nice letter

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

Well down and well-written. I believe you are an interesting voice on Twitter

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Compounding Quality

Absolutely brilliant. I Learnt more from this blog than most investment books & podcasts

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Thank you very much, Shevant! The best is yet to come!

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Compounding Quality

So much amazing content! It’s a crime information like this is not taught in school! Very glad I found your page.

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Thank you Vinny! We will write an 'Compounding Quality Owners Manual' in the future.

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An amazing blog on investing, pretty basic (& lit) I wish I found your newsletter earlier. Subbed!

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Thank you very much! I try to keep everything simple so everyone is able to understand the posts.

All articles which we currently write (1 each Tuesday and 1 each Thursday) will stay 100% free.

In September - October this year, we might launch a paid section which shows our portfolio, investable universe, investment cases, .. For those who want more deeper content.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

Great article. Really enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future. Joe.

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Thank you very much, Joe!

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

Great article

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

I am new to your newsletter. How do I find your website?

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Here you can find the home page: https://qualitycompounding.substack.com/

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Compounding Quality

I just got lost in your newsletter for hours and didn’t sleep because of it…and I am happy about it. Thank you - I tried to find a way to donate, but this is my first time in substack.

Any chance you can think on a mid cap article? Perhaps another small cap one? An article where you tie in some Ark ideas or through your opinion on them and analytics? Not just via their fund holdings but your thoughts or ideas and how/if they tie into their research about the future aka their big ideas list and their bad ideas list? And lastly if you do anything around options, long term plays.

Thanks for the great reading

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Wow. This must be the kindest message we've ever received, Kevin! You have no idea how much this means to us.

There is no need to donate money to us. When you would tell family and friends about our Substack, that's the biggest donation you can give.

Currently, we're not allowed by our employer to share investment cases. Later this year, this might change. In that case we will launch a full Compounding Quality service offering investment courses, investment cases, and an insight in our investable universe as well as in our portfolio. Please note that these kind of articles would be only for paid subscribers (something we don't offer yet).

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Compounding Quality

ok. waiting ;). Thx

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Compounding Quality

Hi. Nice article.

You said " I am not investing in companies that did not manage to generate a 15% CAGR for shareholders", what do you by that 15% and how to calculate it?


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Hi Gustavo,

I am referring to the yearly rate the stock compounded at on the stock market.

You can easily calculate the CAGR of a stock via this tool: https://cagrcalculator.net/

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