I think the new logo looks great. It sounds like the thing was handled well by both you and the Buffett team. It's nice to hear that there are lawyers who realize that they can often accomplish what they want by requesting things politely instead of immediately going to the barricades.

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I love this Munger quote: "Practicing law today is like a pie-eating contest, where if you succeed, you get to eat more pie.”

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Why did they ask you to change the logo? Because you used his face in the logo?

His name is synonymous of investing in quality businesses and I don't see why that is an issue. I am sure the logo attracts a lot of people to take a look. I know it had an impact on me and it was much later I saw the writing.

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Hi Murali,

Indeed because I used Warren's face in the logo. It's a pity indeed but I completely understand their request to change the logo.

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Well, it shows your integrity to his values. So many people post random stuff on social media using his name that goes against everything he values. Everything I have seen from you is so aligned to his values. I am disappointed in their ask.

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Hi Murali,

It's a true honor. Every article I write, is written with Warren Buffett in mind.

Blessed to have readers like you. I appreciate you!

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I like the new logo better than before! All your postings here are combination of your hard work, time and most importantly your kindness for small investors like myself. Your picture totally deserves to be on the logo. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and hard work.

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It's a true honor, HK!

However, Compounding Quality shouldn't be about me but about you, the reader. Still giving it some thought to use another logo. :)

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I always wanted to work from Munger, Tolles & Olson after law school, I guess receiving a cease & desist letter would be the next best thing.

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This is so cool. Keep working hard and chase your dreams!

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Good to see your own face behind the brand, you’ve earned it.

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Thank you very much. It's a true honor!

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It should have been this way in the first place, however….better late than never…..and of course the logo is ok….

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Absolutely, Stephan. We keep improving every single day

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Love it! Keep up the amazing work 🤩

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Thank you, Warren (what a name!)

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If you read while being an adolescent, many times you start saying like "x" said "a". Eventually you'll make some of those ideas yours. You can still say that the idea was originally from "x" to avoid plagiarism, but you own the idea as well. Here it's kind of the same. I prefer your photo in the logo.

Every time I here someone citing Warren or Charly, Seth Klarman, Peter Lynch or investors who wrote books of that level, I tend to give more time to process the ideas before taking action, because many of the things they say are defended buy the ideas of other investor, that might not necessary agree with what they are recommending.

One example would be: how many of your portfolio stocks are owned by BRK.B?

I much rather invest in the stocks of compounding interest, because of the value investing principles but with your face in the logo.

Another example, there was an Investor with a YouTube channel that was talking about Warren and Charlie all the time. He started to feel that he was the next guru investing in $BABA while criticizing

Berkshire for being overvalued and talking on YouTube about $BABA going to $1,500.- and beyond.

At a certain point the guy did a big reset, sold everything and restarted to analyze a new portfolio while in the meantime, Berkshire slowly but surely kept growing.

I followed that guys on YouTube for a while and I learned that we have to be careful while analyzing other investors who rely a lot on the defense of the ideas of giants.

I never subscribed to that guys portfolio, but after a year of reading you, I subscribed to Compounding Quality, even though Warren was on the logo. Now I feel way better.

I love to read the summarized pdf with the wizard's wisdom, and I love that having processed those ideas, I'm following the ideas on your portfolio that are of the result of your ideas even when those ideas are born from wisdom of others as well.

I celebrate the change. I congratulate you for doing it. It's a mature investor one.

All the best for this new era!


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Wow. You are very kind. Thank you very much, Guilermo!

Being humble and staying down to earth is very important in the investment world. Let's keep growing together!

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It looks great!! Congrats for your great work! Keep it up

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It's a true honor, Borja!

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I like how clear your writing is. This is what I’ve been looking for in terms of timely writing about investing, especially for people who want to learn a complex subject such as this and need it to be easy to understand. And I like how you kept the red background in your new logo.

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This is the biggest compliment (clear writing).

Thank you, Karl!

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Awesome new logo! And not bad to be getting emails from his team. Also some seriously impressive followers. Crazy what's possible in such a short amount of time. I don't know why, but I feel so proud you are Belgian (and I only discovered your newsletter 2 days ago 😄)

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Let's find a way to connect soon, Marie! Wishing you the best of luck with your newsletter as well. :)

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Would love that! Thank you very much, Pieter!

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It is a part of growth to own up to your earnings. Pun intended. Congrats!

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Thank you, Jim. I appreciate you!

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Big new chapter in the CQ story! 🙌

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We keep improving!

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Why not a picture of Ben Graham, instead of yourself?

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I actually thought about this too. But I don't think Graham's face is as well recognized as the one of Warren Buffett

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Nice men! Great new logo. Always is a pleasure to read your articles. Of course Warren read you!

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It's a true honor, Tomi!

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It might not be long before it comes full circle, and you have to email someone for using your photo in their logo! 🙃

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Too much honor. Let's stay humble and keep learning :)

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