Your post truly brightened my evening! Reading it made for such a pleasant manner to conclude the day. And guess what? I cracked the riddle and picked the correct answer! 😄
As always, I am sincerely thankful! Wishing you a fantastic remainder of the week ahead!
Hi, try to start with 10.000$ in the imaginary bank and then do the transactions. Then subtract 10.000$ from the final value and you have the answer. :)
The 10 Investment Ratios - do you have a version of that table which shows what is a good and poor ratio? i.e. Screen for companies with Gross Margins greater than XX% etc. I could glean this off your many other articles and I know metrics vary between industries, but thought Id ask. Thanks and regards.
Thanks for sharing
Thank YOU for reading!
I love this, thanks for sharing.! I actually got the riddle right. :)
It makes you think, doesn't it? :)
Your post truly brightened my evening! Reading it made for such a pleasant manner to conclude the day. And guess what? I cracked the riddle and picked the correct answer! 😄
As always, I am sincerely thankful! Wishing you a fantastic remainder of the week ahead!
Warm regards,
For you too, Pavel!
I hope you liked the visual in point 1 too! Making much more visuals like this!
What's the actual answer for the riddle question?
Hi, try to start with 10.000$ in the imaginary bank and then do the transactions. Then subtract 10.000$ from the final value and you have the answer. :)
Exactly! :)
Wisdom of crowds! Most people answered the riddle correct.
The correct answer is $400. :)
Thanks CQ,
The 10 Investment Ratios - do you have a version of that table which shows what is a good and poor ratio? i.e. Screen for companies with Gross Margins greater than XX% etc. I could glean this off your many other articles and I know metrics vary between industries, but thought Id ask. Thanks and regards.
That's a very good question.
I'll take this into account for next time!
Here you can find some target rates for certain ratios I aim for:
The riddle was a tough one.
But did you answer it correctly? :)