It’s #QualityTuesday!
In this series, I’ll teach you 5 things about the stock market in less than 5 minutes.
1️⃣ CFA Cheat Sheet
A CFA is the most prestigious degree you can earn as a professional investor:
It costs around $4,000
You need to study 1,000 hours
The pass rates are less than 40%
Today I am sharing a 12-Page Cheat Sheet which is handy for every investor:
2️⃣ Book challenge
Here’s a book challenge for you:
For the next 52 weeks, read one of these books every single week.
I’ll guarantee you that if you finish this challenge, you’ll be very wise.
3️⃣ One simple investment quote
The hardest part of investing? Patience. Extreme patience.
Good investing is like watching paint dry.
"Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” - Paul Samuelson
4️⃣ Finance documentaries and movies
Do you want to watch a film while learning something new?
Here are 7 finance documentaries and movies everyone should watch.
5️⃣ Example of a Quality Company
Winners tend to keep on winning.
Losers tend to keep on losing.
As Peter Lynch once said: “Selling your winners and holding your losers is like cutting the flowers and watering the weeds.”.
Here are the best performing stocks within the S&P 500 since 2000:
More articles from Compounding Quality
Do you want to read more? Here are our 5 latest articles:
That’s it for today
That’s it for today.
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About the author
Compounding Quality is a professional investor which manages a worldwide equity fund with more than $150 million in Assets Under Management. I’ve read over 500 investment books and spend more than 50 hours per week researching stocks.
Thanks for sharing some useful information.
Sapiens, really? Replace it with one of Nassim Taleb's (or rather, all of them) and you'll learn "what you don't know and can't predict".
Good advices, thank you CQ.